Tower Hamlets Anti Racist Pledge Workshop

Tower Hamlets Anti Racist Pledge Workshop

Thursday 21 April / 10.00am to 12.00pm

The Tower Hamlets Anti-Racist Pledge follows on from the Tower Hamlets Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Inequalities Commission and aims to send a clear and consistent message that racism will not be tolerated in Tower Hamlets.

Signing up to the Pledge is also a commitment to a shared set of principles and actions to address racial inequality and improve access to services and employment. It complements the ambitions of the No Place for Hate Pledge and signifies a commitment to challenging all forms of discrimination wherever it may exist in the borough.

This workshop will be an opportunity to find out:

  • What you can do to sign up to the Pledge and promote your commitment to making Tower Hamlets an Anti-Racist Borough
  • How signing up to the pledge will contribute to demonstrating good governance for your charity or community group
  • How your charity and community group can work with others to make Tower Hamlets an Anti-Racist Borough and to challenge all forms of discrimination wherever it may exist in the borough

We want to support community and voluntary organisations in the borough to sign up to the Pledge. We will show you how signing up to the Pledge can be easily part of your wider work.