18th October 2022, 4:00pm – 7:30pm / BoardMatch19 Event / Location: UBS – 5 Broadgate, London EC2M 2QS, UK
BoardMatch19 is your chance to recruit new trustees from across ELBA/BIG Alliance’s partner businesses.
It will launch on the evening of Tuesday 18th October 2022 and is the first in person event since 2020.
During the event, hosted at UBS, you will have the opportunity to pitch your organisation to prospective trustees from a range of City and Canary Wharf based businesses. Following the event, candidates will have until Tuesday 1st November 2022 to submit applications to your board. ELBA/BIG Alliance staff will then work with you to recruit new trustees.boardmatch@elba-1.org.uk. Spaces at BoardMatch19 will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. BoardMatch events are extremely popular and we are therefore not able to guarantee that we can offer you a place. There are no costs associated with attending BoardMatch events.
In order to secure your place at BoardMatch19 please email a completed and signed registration form toIf you have any questions or queries about the information contained in this document or would like a registration form, then please contact Anya Rudolphy via boardmatch@elba-1.org.uk
BoardMatch19: Community Partner Overview
BoardMatch is an ELBA/BIG Alliance facilitated event, which provides both ELBA/BIG Alliance’s Community Partners and prospective trustees from ELBA/BIG Alliance’s Member Companies with the opportunity to meet with one another, and for prospective trustees to register an interest in joining the board of the Community Partner. Following the BoardMatch event, prospective trustees have the opportunity to apply to become a trustee of the Community Partners in attendance. ELBA/BIG Alliance staff members are responsible for managing the application process and for facilitating the introductions. Community Partners then have the opportunity to complete the interview process and appoint the trustees of their choosing.
The Event
BoardMatch events are comprised of two identical sessions. Sessions commence with an introduction from the ELBA/BIG Alliance facilitator. Each Community Partner then delivers a 1-minute elevator pitch to the prospective trustees. Finally, prospective trustees have the opportunity to meet the organisations that interest them.
In advance of the BoardMatch19, you will be tasked with devising a 1-minute “elevator pitch” which you will deliver during the live conference call. You are free to use the 1-minute however you please, but we suggest that you consider sharing the following:
1) Who you are?
2) What your organisation does?
3) Why your work is important, innovative, unique and/or amazing?
4) What skills/expertise you are looking for in new trustees?
ELBA/BIG Alliance is offering you the opportunity to attend a “Pitch For Success” workshop date TBC.
During the session you will have the opportunity to work with volunteers to devise and rehearse your 1-minute pitch. If you wish to attend Pitch For Success then please indicate this on your BoardMatch19 registration form. Pitch For Success is an optional part of the BoardMatch process and so you are not obliged to attend if you do not wish to do so.
Event Schedule
4:00pm – 4:15pm Community Partner arrival
4:00pm – 5:00pm Set up and final briefing
5:30pm-6:00pm Networking
6:00pm Event begins and doors lose
6:00pm – 6:30pm ELBA welcome and 1 Minute Pitches
6:30pm -7:30pm Meet prospective trustees Q&A
7:30pm – 8:00pm Pack up
Post Event
Following the event, prospective trustees are given two weeks to complete an expression of interest form and return it to a named ELBA/BIG Alliance contact, along with a copy of their CV.
Community Partners are then given one week to decide who they would like to interview.
Finally, introductions/interviews take place during a four-week period.
The Introduction/Interview Process
Following the live launch event prospective trustees will have the opportunity to submit an application to the organisation(s) of their choosing by completing an expression of interest form and returning it to a member of ELBA/BIG Alliance staff along with a copy of their CV.
They will have until 5pm on Tuesday 1st November 2022 by which to do this.
Following the close of applications an ELBA/BIG Alliance staff member will send you a list of candidates along with their expression of interest forms and CVs by no later than 5pm on Wednesday 2nd November 2022. You will have until 5pm on Tuesday 8th November to inform your allocated ELBA/BIG Alliance staff member of your interview shortlist. When you have submitted your shortlist, you will be e-introduced to each shortlisted candidate by your ELBA/BIG Alliance contact and will be asked to invite them to interview.
The standard process for ELBA/BIG Alliance facilitated trustee introductions is outlined below. Where possible, ELBA/BIG Alliance ask that Community Partners adhere to this process, however, ELBA/BIG Alliance appreciate that some organisations are bound by specific recruitment processes and ELBA/BIG Alliance will therefore endeavour to adapt the process where possible. ELBA/BIG Alliance reserve the right to amend/adapt this process subject to the agreement of the Community Partner in question.
The ELBA/BIG Alliance Board Introduction Process
1) Candidates attend the BoardMatch19 where they have the opportunity to meet a selection of community organisations that are recruiting new trustees.
2) Following the event candidates are invited to complete expression of interest forms for organisations that they wish to apply to join and send them to ELBA/BIG Alliance along with a copy of their CV. They have approximately three weeks in which to do this (see below for full schedule).
3) ELBA/BIG Alliance send the completed expression of interest forms and CVs to Community Partners.
4) Community Partners have one week to decide which candidates they would like to interview.
5) ELBA/BIG Alliance introduce Community Partners to each shortlisted candidate via email.
6) Community Partners invite candidates to interview. Community Partners outline the format of the interview and provide information on any preparation that might be required. ELBA/BIG Alliance staff members should be cc’d on all correspondence.
7) ELBA/BIG Alliance inform candidates who were not successful in being shortlisted.
8) Community Partners interview all shortlisted candidates.
9) Following the completion of the interview process, Community Partners contact all candidates to inform them of the outcome, keeping ELBA/BIG Alliance staff cc’d.
10) Community Partners provide successful candidates with an overview of the process for joining the board of trustees.
11) Community Partners appoint their chosen trustees.
Event Schedule
18th October 2022, 4:00pm – 7:30pm / BoardMatch19 Event / Location: UBS – 5 Broadgate, London EC2M 2QS, UK
1st November 2022, 5:00pm / Deadline for prospective trustees to submit their expression of interest form and CV
2nd November 2022, 5:00pm / Date Community Partners will receive prospective trustee applications from ELBA/BIG Alliance staff
8th November 2022, 5:00pm / Deadline for Community Partners to submit their interview shortlist to ELBA/BIG Alliance staff
2nd December 2022, 5:00pm / Deadline for the completion of all interviews
If you have any questions or queries about the information contained in this document, then please
contact Anya Rudolphy via boardmatch@elba-1.org.uk