Central London Bus Review – TfL Consultation

TfL are consulting about proposals to make changes to bus routes into central London and would like to hear your views. The changes being consulted on are intended to cause as little disruption to passengers as possible, while making the savings required by the Government.

TfL have done a detailed review of London’s bus network, to achieve these significant financial savings. As part of this work, they have reviewed key bus corridors from the north, south, east, and west into the centre of the city. This is because demand has reduced over the years on some roads leading into central and inner London due to changing travel patterns which have been accelerated by the pandemic. 

For further information, to see which bus routes are included in our proposals and to complete our online survey, please visit https://haveyoursay.tfl.gov.uk/busreview

Alternatively you can submit your response to TfL by email or in writing (no stamp needed) to:

  • Or you can telephone us on 020 3054 6037 to leave your name and contact number and they will call you back. Quote ‘Bus Review’ when leaving your message.

Consultation closes Tuesday 12 July 2022

TfL are keen to hear from anyone that wants to comment on this consultation.  Please do pass on these details to your own contacts as you may find appropriate.

Please do not hesitate to contact TfL on the above email with any questions, or if you require any further information.