E3 Breakfast – Cost of Living

E3 Breakfast - Cost of Living

Thursday 14 September / 10.00am to 12.00pm

Bethnal Green Methodist Church, Approach Road, Bethnal Green, E2 9JpAre you a provider of health & wellbeing groups in E3?

If so the Bromley By Bow Centre and the Zacchaeus Project would like to welcome you to the E3 Networking Breakfast, which provides a friendly and informal space for local service providers of all sizes to come and chat and share what they are doing, with a view to strengthening joint working in the area.The breakfasts are a way of building a ‘live-directory’ of services and leave us all feeling inspired. You’re welcome to bring along flyers, cards or any other information to share with the group. Likewise, feel free to pass this invite on to friends and colleagues.

To RSVP or speak about your services, email: the3breakfast@gmail.com