What we do

The voluntary & community sector in Tower Hamlets is both large and diffuse. There are 551 registered charities in the borough plus hundreds of other Community Interest Companies, faith groups, social enterprises and unconstituted community organisations (at least 1,300 organisations in total). The sector is primarily made up of small organisations with incomes of under £100,000 each year, including many that are entirely run by volunteers.

Tower Hamlets CVS supports voluntary and community groups to run their organisations effectively, secure funding to deliver services and to connect and collaborate with each other. We are also an embedded strategic partner in the borough, bridging the space between the voluntary and community sector and statutory and other partners, enabling us to give a voice to the VCS and advocate on their behalf. This strategy sets out what we believe our objectives should be and how we will meet them within the resources that we have. The strategy was developed with insights gained from a members survey, a specific questionnaire for strategy consultation and 1-1 meetings with key stakeholders, including some statutory partners.

What is a CVS ?

Our vision, mission and values

Vision: Tower Hamlets is a place where community action thrives.
Mission: To unlock the potential of voluntary and community groups to meet the needs of local communities.
Values: Accountability, learning, independence, enabling.

Strategic Objectives 2024-2029

OBJECTIVE 1: Voluntary and community groups in Tower Hamlets will have a stronger voice.

To achieve this we will:

  • Support voluntary and community groups to have a collective voice that influences change positively.

  • Help to ensure the diversity of voluntary and community groups is represented and influential in local decision making.

  • Act as a critical friend to statutory partners like the council and NHS, and create opportunities for dialogue.

Indicators that this objective is being achieved:

  • Voluntary and community groups are more likely to take part in local and regional forums, networks and decision-making structures, and those meetings will be more useful for them.

  • We advocate for the issues that matter to voluntary and community groups.

  • Statutory partners actively work with voluntary and community groups to coproduce services and policies.


OBJECTIVE 2: Voluntary and community groups in Tower Hamlets will have access to the resources they need.

To achieve this we will:

  • Support access to funding through free one to one fundraising advice, training and opportunities.

  • Create opportunities for collaboration including grassroots groups.

  • Actively identify and help to secure income for local organisations.

Indicators that this objective is being achieved:

  • Increased money coming into Tower Hamlets voluntary and community groups.

  • More partnerships and consortia bids are developed.

  • Voluntary and community groups are better at identifying other income streams.

  • Voluntary and community groups are recognised financially for their contribution by statutory partners.


OBJECTIVE 3: Voluntary and community groups in Tower Hamlets will have increased confidence, connections and skills.

To achieve this we will:

  • Help voluntary and community groups to connect to each other and collaborate.

  • Work with local voluntary and community groups to build their skills and resources.

  • Create meaningful opportunities to collaborate with statutory and other local partners.

  • Work with the Volunteer Centre Tower Hamlets to promote volunteering.

Indicators that this objective is being achieved:

  • Increased confidence and skills reported by voluntary and community groups.

  • Greater participation and collaboration by voluntary and community groups.

Cross cutting themes

  • Equity – Building an anti-racist, anti-oppressive organisation which works to challenge oppressive structures.
  • Evidence led – Informed by evidence and being the place to go for relevant data about the VCS and its impact.
  • Partnership working – Prioritising partnerships within the sector and with statutory partners.
  • Communications – Ensuring that THCVS communicates its purpose and activities effectively.
  • Financial sustainability – Ensuring an efficient and effective organisation that delivers