Thriving Tower Hamlets

17 May 2021

Artburst Ltd has created online creative educational resources for schools, community groups and individual families. Our latest resource Monster Mayhem is specially designed to support children’s mental well-being through COVID. Have fun! Please let us know if you use the resources and help us to evaluate them.

14 March 2021

Contemporary women artists, activists, writers and performers, women’s groups and community organisations and institutions present a diverse programme of events and exhibitions online during the current corona virus pandemic and possibly in some venues across East London. Please make sure you can access them by checking with the projects directly.

14 March 2021

Bubble Club is an award-winning learning disability club night like no other. It is held at the legendary Backyard Bar in the heart of Bethnal Green and has been running for 16 years.
Bubble Zooms every 2 weeks
Future Dates:

Wednesday 24th March
Wednesday 7th April

Trapped in Zone One aim to engage with community groups and organisations to improve the health and wellbeing of diverse communities through creative practices, via a diverse range of partnerships with local organisations and individuals.

Together with The Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park they are crowdfunding for a new mural at Ackroyd Drive Green Link Support the project here

14 March 2021

ELOP and the Tower Hamlets LGBT Community Forum mark LBT+ Womens Health Week with a breifing to support voluntary groups be more aware of specific health needs of Tower Hamlets LBT+ women.

You can download the briefing here: Practitioners Network March 2021

The Tower Hamlets LGBT+ Community forum meets monthly. Find out more here

14 March 2021

After a year of record growth in service users, funding partners and volunteer recruitment, Women’s Inclusive Team (WIT) has revealed a new brand and identity grounded in the organisation’s cultural roots and mission of female empowerment.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic began in March 2020, WIT has expanded its services to include a community kitchen, a food pantry, after school youth programmes and public health services. Find out more

14 March 2021

Local women graduating from the inaugural BAME Dare to Lead Leadership course at account3 have created an animation to raise awareness of domestic abuse in their community.

SiS (Sistas in Strength) A Tower Hamlets local women’s response to the soaring of Domestic Abuse during COVID19

Get in contact with Account3 here

Artsadmin is launching a new Youth Programme.

They are recruiting a group of local young people who will:

  • SHARE: a creative space where new ideas are welcome
  • ATTEND: workshops, trips and events 
  • MEET: artists, creatives and other young people
  • DEVELOP: new skills, networks and creative ideas 

Find out more


14 March 2021

GHYAMA ARTS! (Awesome Arts!) provides high quality arts activities in theatre, film and circus to increase confidence and independence for disabled adults from our friends and tenants: The Bangladeshi Parents and Carers Association (BPCA) in Tower Hamlets.

The group have produced a beautiful film to mark the completion of their first term.

Watch the film here

14 March 2021

Are you fi nding it hard to get or stay in work? Do you, or does someone
close to you, face challenges such as illness, debt, kids with extra support
needs, housing problems, family breakup or a criminal record?

Groundwork Inspiring Families can support you with free, specialised employment support. Find out more

02 March 2021

OITIJ-JO  is celebrating International Women’s Day with their TATI initiative with crafts and food workshops.

The first 10 people to register will receive a kit for the crochet workshop, don’t miss it!

Find out more

The Orpheus Project is a free creative development programme for young men aged 18-25 living in East London. Through exploring the Myth of Orpheus, the play will dismantle the barriers around the modern male experience and create a community that opens doors and allows you to reach beyond what you thought you were capable of.

15 February 2021

Carers Centre Tower Hamlets are running weekly online social groups and individual support to young adults. The Young Adult Carers Project providing one to one and group support for young people who look after a parent or close relative with severe long term mental or physical illness. For enquiries call Ben on 0207 791 5593 / 07869 387 665 or e-mail

10 February 2021

Congratulation to London Jaguars FC for their fantastic fitness nutrition programme, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund

The programme is aimed at deprived young people nurturing a healthier lifestyle through recreational activities, fitness sessions, groups discussions and other activities.

05 February 2021

Tower Hamlets celebrates lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history month this year with a programme of events themed on Mind, Body and Soul.

Met Police and NHS are running a programme of free lunch and learn sessions.

ELOP and Tower Hamlets LGBT Forum are holding a number of events during the month. More details here

25 January 2021

As part of the Communities Driving Change programme, a series of activities covid secure and on zoom, aimed at the south-west Locality of Tower Hamlets including a resident- led English conversation group, Keep fit Club: cardio and strength on zoom and a cooking club is meeting on Tuesday at 10am. 

Check the programme

CDC Southwest Facebook page

St. Margaret’s house is back with activities for the small ones; a fun space for young people to learn and engage in the skill of making people laugh.

These workshops are led by professionals comedians working with young people.

25 January 2021

Numbi Arts made Tower Hamlets Homes COVID message into a Somali song!

“Stay home, control the virus, save lives Get a jab. The vaccines are safe and make everyone safer. Stay in touch with family and friends, look after each other and stay safe”

25 January 2021

Shadwell Responds is a group of local residents in Shadwell representing local institutions (churches, mosques, community groups), aiming to coordinate local efforts to support our community, and to identify gaps in provision and offering a place where individuals can be connected up with others at this most challenging of times. 

15 January 2021

Rich Mix invited artists, industry professionals and New Creatives alumni, who shared their tips on how to get started in creative industries. They also involved brilliant local young people in the making. Results? Check for yourself. Young people in Tower Hamlets can get involved!

14 January 2021

Half Moon Theatre is offering a Winter Warmer Festival of free online activities for children aged 3-9 to take part in at home, and at a time that suits you. The videos include storytelling, music, drama and craft workshops and all have closed captioning for d/Deaf and hard of hearing audiences. 

08 January 2021

The Yoga for Life Project is run by specialist teachers and therapists, the project aims to support the people with Covid/ long Covid with 2 weekly free classes on zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Register your interest by email at

08 January 2021

MITHN have secure a grant of £107,800 for their new Horizon scheme from City Bridge Trust which will enable hundreds of Tower Hamlets hard to reach groups and hidden homeless to access free mental health support. Congratulations!!!

Cycling for Wellbeing program at Victoria Park

17 December 2020

Bikeworks new program Cycling for Wellbeing is inspired by the NHS 5 Steps to Mental Wellbeing in Victoria Park.

An opportunity to meet new people, enjoy the environment and learn new skills.

London Safer Together Through Sport II

15 December 2020

Trapped in Zone One together with Vallance FC and Good Gym Tower Hamlets are working on their London Safer Together Through Sport programme, engaging with young people to provide training and sporting opportunity to enhance their employability skills.

Food support for LGBTQ Bangladeshi community

30 November 2020

Positive East and Let Voice Be Heard are supporting the Bangladeshi LGBTQ community struggling to buy food and essential supplies.

email Tarek Chowdhury at with your details if you need support

First Food Pantry in Tower Hamlets

19 November 2020

Burdett Football Club (BFC) with the Support of Poplar HARCA are running a pilot scheme that enables families to shop their groceries at a fraction of their price.