Getting Started


Business Plan


Service Delivery

Human Resources

Networking and Partnerships

Quality Assurance

Publicity and Promotion

Digital Solutions and Systems

Monitoring and Evaluation

Coproduction and User Involvement

BAME Disparities Project

London Community Response

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Setting Up an Organisation

Thinking of starting your own charity or social enterprise?  This section takes you through some of the key steps, questions and guides. 

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Trustees & Governance

This section is mostly aimed at trustees (or those considering joining a board) and contains guides to trusteeship and how to work together as an effective trustee board.

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Legal Requirements, Policies and Procedures

Information about the laws and regulations affecting your organisation, the policies you need, and the rules you have to follow.

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Financial Management

Some great links and templates, including a whole set of resources produced by the community Accountancy Project as part of our recent Governance Finance and Impact Project.

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& Data

Guidance on ICT, including websites and social media.

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Campaigning & Marketing

Make sure your organisation is visible, your information is clear, and the right people know how to find you.

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Policy, Evidence & Research

Guides, statistics and reports about Tower Hamlets, its people, and the issues and concerns affecting the life of the borough.

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Planning, Managing, Monitoring & Evaluating

A range of guidance and templates, from beginner to expert, to help you plan and run things smoothly.

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An introduction to the funding landscape, the basics of bid writing, and the ways you can find out more about where and how to raise resources.

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Our ongoing list of funders that make grants to organisations operating in Tower Hamlets.  Divided into smaller and larger grant funders, updated as we find out about new funders.

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Commissioning is just one way of resourcing your organisation, but we have given it a separate section because of how important it has become over the last few years.  

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Partnership Working

Summarises some of the legal structures available to partnerships, as well as potential risks and benefits of working with other organisation and the skills required to make the relationships work.

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If you are looking for premises locally our online database might help.  Our premises forum is for local groups with premises concerns.  

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Employing & Managing Staff

This section is for people who are responsible for HR in an organisation. Find template policies that you can adapt for your own organisation, guides on pensions and contracts of employment, and links to external resources.

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This section is for groups looking for volunteers.

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General Support

This section offers organisation development, resources and downloads and grant support.