We would like to invite you to the upcoming OPRG Zoom meeting which will both be concerning the changes to the parking permit and visitor permits system, which was moved online at the beginning of last year. Many older residents have been affected by this decision and the OPRG Team and the LinkAge Plus hubs have done a lot of work collecting your views and experiences over the year. Now we have an opportunity to put questions to the Council and see if there is a way that we can work together to address some of these issues. Please pass on the details to anybody you know who might be interested in attending. All are welcome.
OPRG Meeting: The Perming Permit and Visitor Permits System (Stephen Willie, Appeals and Permits Manager for London Borough of Tower Hamlets), 12th January 11:30am – 12:30pm. Agenda overleaf.
The Zoom joining details are below. If you need any support to join the meeting, then please either contact Sophie at Age UK East London (07384 511 701) or your hub coordinators (Zeki at Toynbe Hall, Jackie at Caxton Hall, Frances at Sonali Gardens, Mandy at St Mathias Community Centre and Sally at Sundial Centre).
Join online:
Meeting ID: 881 1101 9651
Dial in with your landline
Call 0203 051 2874
Then enter the meeting ID: 881 1101 9651